My Story

 When I was little, I would play with the twirling rainbows that drops of gasoline created in water puddles. I'd collect autumn leaves and arrange them in gradients. I'd give a name to every shade of the sky at sunset. Colors, especially those found in nature, have always fascinated me.

My artistic journey has brought me to explore natural dyes at a time when I had to slow down and go back to my roots: love and connection to both my daughters and to nature. A coming of middle age. The last decade has been the most challenging of my life and I survived it. Now I want to live.

When caring for my daughters means caring for the environment, when dealing with trauma and loss means being kindest to myself, and when the joy and gratification of creating comes from the process rather than the end result.

I hope you'll indulge yourself in your favorite drink, your favorite music, during your favorite season, to craft a piece of knitting or crochet that'll hold the memories of that sweet moment for years to come.